Quantum Root Healing
Reducing everyday toxic load at the roots.
Welcome! This is a unique blog & site here for you to explore. It was created as an opportunity to share with my Tribe & Community my passions, research, and thoughts with my loyal readers, watchers, & listeners.
Toxicity comes from many areas in life:
Environmentally: Air, water, food, cleaners of all kinds from personal care, home care, laundry...ect.
Medically: Medications, Injections, surgeries...ect.
Mentally: Trauma, anxiety, depression, substance abuse
Chemically: See all the above
Personal Environment: Personal spaces: home, car, work...ect
Spiritually: Get in tune with your spirit, soul, and connecting the mind, body spirit.
Financially: Burdens of financial stress
Physically: Due to all the above it causes oxidative stress on the body creating symptoms, disease, autoimmune, living unhealthy lifestyles...ect. Hormone imbalances and many other medical stress related toxicities.
Positive Ions to Negative Ions = Positive Vibes
Positive Vibes = Better Quality Life
Better Quality of Life = Living Life
Living life = Greater Good
Greater Good = Higher Vibration
Quantum Root Healing with Dana Luth
Thanks for your interest in Quantum Root Healing reduction to everyday toxic load.. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!
Spokane WA