The MTHFR mutation may explain why some children survive the overload of environmental toxicity whatever the triggers may be, whereas others, at some point during their early stages of neurological development, regress and remain somewhere on the vast spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders. MTHFR is a type of folate that crosses the blood brain barrier (folic acid, which is synthetic, does not) needed to make the brain methylate; put simply, methylation is a method of detoxification. Children with autism have been found to have “Cerebral Folate Deficiency” (CFD) which means an insufficiency of folate in the brain causing defects in the methylation process. What Is Methylation? Defects in the methylation process can affect: • Speech • Language • Auditory processing • Reading comprehension • Focus • Concentration • Socialization • DNA repair • Homocysteine levels • Inflammation • Recycling of key antioxidants • Increase of sulfation for the excretion of heavy metals and elimination of allergies (environmental and immune) • Improved production of glutathione, the master antioxidant that excretes environmental toxins and pathogens out of the body Having normal levels of glutathione enables the body to excrete the environmental toxins efficiently. MTHFR and Autism Studies have shown that 98% of children with autism have the MTHFR genetic mutation defect; however, the mutation is not exclusive to autism. Families that are susceptible to autoimmune disorders are also associated with the MTHFR anomaly. There are two prime variants called C677T and A1298C. Some children have one copy of one variant of the MTHFR, and some have both copies. The C677T variant is usually associated with heart disease and stroke because of the conversion of homocysteine to methionine. Many children with autism are unable to make this conversion, which is why they are such poor methylators. The A1298C variant, on the other hand, is associated with chronic illnesses and many children with autism do suffer chronic illnesses associated with this disorder. Therefore, critical immune functions may be compromised if there are any defects found in the methylation process. Beyond this, between 40-50% of Americans have some sort of MTHFR dysfunction inhibiting the methylation cycle and causing a countless variety of health conditions. MTHFR makes you far more vulnerable to illness and infection, this is because it is tied directly to our Glutathione production. People with the MTHFR mutations almost always have low Glutathione levels making them more susceptible to stress and oxidative stress while making them far less tolerant to toxins. This gets much worse with age, as the accumulation of toxins and cumulative damage of oxidative stress take their toll on the body. Speeding up the aging process and nurturing the development of a huge variety of diseases. by improving the methylation cycle and Glutathione levels of the group, they noted significant improvements in behavior and receptivity Detoxification by a long shot has to also be a major consideration when it comes to preventing or repairing the damage that causes autism, this is because we live in one of the most polluted societies ever in history and there are plenty of detoxification gene mutations found in those with autism, especially those that defend our brains. Toxicity, Autism and Gene Mutations There are many ways that we can get toxic and normally we can deal with toxins with our body’s built-in detoxification systems, but those with Autism have usually started their lives with a percentage of a disadvantage when it comes to detoxification. Poor detoxification then leads to poor development of the brain and increased susceptibility to pollutants, parasites, viruses, heavy metals, nutritional imbalances, and gut/brain bacterial flora biodiversity. Many people with autism have significantly less ability to detoxify properly and while this problem exists their brain chemistry is clearly being influenced, the key, therefore, is to discover the weaknesses and rebuild those defenses thereby removing the unwanted influences which significantly improves the overall outcome. Say hello to your little friend clinoptinolyte
Sandy Goel